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How To Get Timely And Cohesive Treatment For Canine Tumors

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The parlance encapsulating cancer can be confounding and its definitions are tough. Additionally these are called growths. Tumors can be non-cancerous and cancerous. It depends on what they are doing inside the body. Vets are very aware of the pivot of keeping pets pain-free and modern day pain-killers are quite effective. Unfortunately, for those with incurable Canine Tumors, a point will eventually come when they keep suffering and lose all qualities of life. Owners need to work together with vets to recognize this period and seek recourse to euthanasia. Still, most doctors would say that a happy and healthy animal need not be euthanized in the wake and spread of an incurable malaise.

Knowing the tumors

One of the most common types of Canine Tumors is skin tumor. You can remove it surgically. Occasionally, you may have obstacles while removing it if the lump becomes very big or the repairing area is difficult to reach. Your vet surgeon can discuss this issue. However, there are quite a few cancerous types that re-occur in the same area and then spread to other sites of the body. In this juncture, biopsies can help since after any identification of an aggressive tumor, the doctor will cut out a larger skin area, which may curb the prospect of spread or recurrence.

Lymphoma or leukemia

This type of Dog Tumors affects the animal’s white blood cells. Lymphocyte is a particular white blood cell type involved here. They circulate in the blood and spread in the lymphatic system engaging the centers and vessels. This is where and when the animal’s body screens towards infections and ancillary foreign elements that may try to enter its system. When these become cancerous, the numbers take an uncontrollable lead. The lymphocyte count in blood may increase, but often they get deposited in one area before multiplying. Since this disease is generally widespread, only surgery is not appropriate or sufficient.

Knowing the signs

There are warning signals showing that your dog may be in pain and you need to address them without wasting any time. These include behavior changes, loss of appetite, reluctance to go for walks or move around, difficulty or restlessness in getting comfortable or perky and seemingly tense or withdrawn. You need to remember that an occasional wagging of the tail doesn’t mean that a canine is pain free. Sometimes, an improvement or change in demeanor post painkillers cans also some signs.

The treatment available

There are numerous types of Dog Tumors. If it’s an isolated lump and yet to spread out to the body, you may opt for surgery as that could provide a cohesive cure. However, it all depends on the area where that tumor flourishes. Often, a benign tumor in the brain becomes dangerous and you can’t remove them easily. When cancer spreads inwards, the treatment possibilities depend on the exact form of the disease and the area of its infestation. Radiotherapy, surgery and chemotherapy are the three fundamental treatment types. The new inclusions are hypnotherapy and photo dynamic therapy. To read more Click Here

Ways To Protect Dogs From Developing Canine Cancer

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Cancer affects humans and animals alike. The pain of having to go through something like that or to watch a beloved one fighting cancer is just excruciatingly heart wrenching. Be it a human member of your family or a canine with four paws and a wagging tail, no one deserves to go through it.Just like in the case of humans, cancer also claims the majority of deaths in the pet world. Dog tumor and other forms of canine tumor can be very easily developed by your pet by being exposed to any of the following carcinogens.


•    Smoke
•    Sunlight
•    Radiation
•    Hormones
•    Chemical Exposure
•    Failure of Immune System
•    Certain Carcinogenic Viruses

Of all the types of animal cancer, canine tumor is the most common with hundreds of varieties found in over millions of individuals among domesticated pet species. As a matter of fact, in retrospect, one in every four dog is very likely to develop dog tumor and die from its effects if not given the proper treatment at the earliest.

Despite the numerous risk factors of tumor faced by your dog, there are a lot of steps that you can take to prevent your dog from developing any such nasty illness and have a longer life.

1.    Visit The Vet – It is very crucial for you to visit your vet with your dog no matter how much drama your dog puts up to avoid it. Regular cancer checkups and screenings can help in detecting the disease sooner, and the sooner it is discovered the sooner it can be treated. This improves the chances of your dog beating out the disease by many folds. For dogs over the age of 7 years, a regular visit to the vet is recommended every 6 months. For dogs below that age, a yearly visit is fairly precautions.
2.    Exercise – Exercises are necessary for dogs to lead a healthy life. Statistics show that dogs that were made to exercise regularly showed immunity to most of the diseases including cancer. Also, obese and overweight domesticated pets are more likely at the risk of developing cancer than their healthier counterparts.
3.    Prevention of Chemical Exposure – One of the most crucial methods to prevent canine tumor in your dog is to avoid your dog’s exposure to any chemically dangerous products. Using natural herbicides, pesticides, and insecticides in your house and garden can lower the risk of your dog developing chemical borne cancer. Also, you must make sure to use natural bathing and grooming products on your dog like shampoos, flea conditioners etc.
4.    Spaying and Neutering – Spaying and neutering can prove to be a very effective way to prevent the development of tumor in your dogs. Spaying will reduce the chances of breast cancer in females wile neutering will reduce the chances of testicular cancer to zero in their male counterparts.
5.    Avoid Sunburns – Just like humans, dogs, too, can develop cancer by overexposure to sunlight. While most of the dogs are not at risks owing to their fur, light and short haired dogs are not completely risk-free. Try applying a little sunscreen on your dog’s nose and ears before letting the out in the sun.

Also, try to avoid that your dog drinks water from street puddles or any other unsanitary places as they can have cancer causing agents in them. Change your dog’s drinking water daily and make sure the bowl is clean. For more information visit Our Website

Why Is There An Increase In Levels of Animal Cancer?

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Cancer refers to the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body, which is found both in animals and humans. In fact, many different types of Animal Cancer are found among pets today, and this is one of the leading causes of death. In fact, the symptoms of cancer are often similar to the ones found in humans. Ranging from unexplained weight loss to abnormal swelling, and reluctance to exercise, animals might go through many of these symptoms when they have cancer. Animals that live for more than 10 years are generally prone to suffering from cancer.


Different Treatment Options:

If you find any of the above mentioned symptoms in your pet or if you find something unusual or abnormal in your pet, you should approach a vet at the earliest. Based on the condition of your animal and the stage of cancer, the vet will determine the right treatment option. In some cases, your vet might even refer to an oncologist who can diagnose the exact condition and determine the exact stage of cancer in your pet. Some of the most common treatment options for your pet include chemotherapy and surgery. In some cases, the oncologist might also ask for radiotherapy.

Conducting A Thorough Diagnosis:

Prior to determining the ideal treatment, it is crucial to carry out the diagnosis in a correct way. Some of the common tests that are done for diagnosing Animal Cancer include x-rays, blood tests, physical exams and even ultrasonically. These tests will help in detecting the presence of tumors or the degradation of bones. The physical exam might be helpful in getting a complete medical history of your animal. However, in order to be completely sure of cancer, a biopsy will have to be performed. This can not only determine the type of cancer, but also the seriousness of the condition.

Recovery From The Treatment:

Different treatments have different reactions among the pets. However, it has been seen that the surgery is the easiest to recover. The animal will be able to return to the previous level of functioning within a short time. For chemotherapy treating Animal Cancer, there are some side effects for animals just like old people. In some cases, even when the doses are lower, your pet can experience vomiting or nausea, and sometimes it can be accompanied by unwillingness to eat anything. You might even notice your pet becoming lethargic or sometimes total inability to stand or walk. Some pets might experience fever. In any of these cases, you should call your vet immediately.

Incurable Forms of Cancer:

Unfortunately, some forms of cancer cannot be cured, especially when these are determined at the last stage. It might get cured for a short time, and the Animal Cancer might come back again. Therefore, before making the initial decision for the treatment, you should talk to your family members as well as the vet carefully. Accordingly, you will be able to get an idea of whether the treatment is worth it in the long run. This will help you in making a move. For more information visit here: CVS Angel Care

Discerning The Aspects And Cure of Animal Cancer

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A cancer diagnosis often brings with it a barrage of overwhelming emotions, which includes a sense of insecurity and loss of self control, and a feeling of hopelessness. Staring at the face of a cancer diagnosis in your beloved pet, there’s the responsibility of taking certain life-changing, critical decisions for the one relying on your judgment. Your dog not only shares your life, your experiences and home, but is also an inhabitant of your heart. Your pet depends on the owner to provide the best possible care during Animal Cancer. Choosing the ideal treatment for your pet is your first directive.


Types of cancer

Also called neoplasia, cancer is the abnormal, uncontrolled growth of tissues or cells in the body. This abnormal growth is called tumor, cancer or neoplasm. This ‘mass’ can be both malignant and benign. The latter doesn’t spread aggressively, doesn’t invade surrounding tissues and doesn’t spread all across the body. It can also be cured fully. Malignant cancers are the opposite spreading and invading tissues, and metastasizing to other body parts. The common signs of Animal Cancer are sores that doesn’t heal, abnormal swellings that grow unabated or persist, loss of appetite and weight, discharge or bleeding from body opening and bad breath or offensive odor. Animals also face difficulty in eating and swallowing, have hesitation in exercise and show stamina loss, develop persistent stiffness or lameness and there’s difficulty in urinating, defecating and breathing.

Preventing and screening

Prevention of most Animal Cancers is quite difficult since the causes are yet unknown. Nevertheless, early detection, proper diagnosis followed by specialized treatment can impact the affected animals’ prognosis profoundly. If the vet suspects’ cancer based on the animal’s physical exam and medical history, the doctors undertake additional tests like blood tests, radiographs and ultrasound tests almost immediately. Lesion biopsy for histopathology is very important to confirm the concerned diagnosis. It also determines the type of cancer.

More on the block

More biopsies like lymph nodes are crucial for learning about the spread of neoplasm. Specialists in treating Animal Cancer recommend consulting expert oncologists who can work in synthesis with you and the pet owner to affirm the concerned diagnosis, determine the stages, staging and design the treatment plan likewise. Radiation therapy has become state-of-the art today. There are expert clinics with treatment goals to deliver the maximum quantum of radiation needed to eliminate cancer cells sans affecting healthy tissue.

More on radiation

Radiation therapy has been the cornerstone in the treatment of Animal Cancer. The advanced linear accelerator holds the key to this domain. This cutting edge technology enables doctors to create very complex 3D shapes to confirm the concerned tumor outline and finely modulate and control the radiation beam’s intensity level. It also helps in delivering various radiation doses to different areas of the body. This therapy is mainly designed to attain control in a localized domain. Vets use this in conjunction with a surgical procedure to try to curing cases where the latter is insufficient or where it might result in loss of function or significant disfigurement.  Radiation therapy can control or even cure tumors with aggressive behavior (local) and can be applied as a forceful adjunct to cancer treatment entailing systematic behavior. For more information visit here: Angel Care Cancer Center

Study On Different Types of Dog Tumors

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Tumors are quite common in dogs in the middle and older years. Some of these tumors are benign in nature while some turn out to be cancerous in nature. The benign tumor is not dangerous and does not spread to the other parts of the body nor do they invade the surrounding tissues. On the other hand, the cancerous tumor is fast growing and the cells multiply at an alarming rate and spread to the other parts of the body. Having knowledge about the common dog tumors and their possible locations along with signs and symptoms will go a long way in possibly saving your pet’s life.

Dog Tumors

You should always remember that early detection is the key to a relatively successful treatment. Hence if you notice any abnormal behavior, swelling or lump, you should immediately contact your pet’s vet. You should also keep in mind that all tumors are not visible in early stages especially those that originate in the internal organs. You can suspect a tumor only through the changes in daily routine pattern.Some of the commonly seen Dog Tumors are:

Lymphosarcoma or lymphoma: This is among the most commonly seen tumors in the dogs. This tumor affects the dogs of any breeds and at any age. Depending upon the location of the origin of the tumor, the signs and symptoms vary.

Peripheral lymphosarcoma: This is the most common form of lymphosarcoma and usually presents itself as an enlargement of the peripheral lymph nodes. The lymph nodes that commonly come under the attack are those in front of the shoulders, under the jaw and those behind the knees. These present to you as swollen glands and your dog may not show any other signs or symptoms.

Internal lymphosarcoma: These types of dog tumors affect the internal lymph nodes or similar tissues such as the spleen or the liver. These are usually detected quite late and the dog may show severe signs such as the uncontrolled diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain or even difficulty in breathing. If this tumor is left untreated, it is usually fatal.

Osteosarcoma: In the dogs, the most common type of the primary bone tumor is the osteosarcoma. Though it has propensity towards the front and the rear limb long bones, it can be seen in any bone such as the ribs and the skull. This tumor usually affects the giant dog breeds like the Great Danes. This tumor is very aggressive and spreads rapidly. Hence the most recommended treatment for these types of dog tumors is amputation that is followed by chemotherapy to kill the metastasized cells.

Skin cancer tumors: There are various types of skin tumors seen in the dogs, the most commonly seen being the melanoma and the squamous cell carcinomas.The melanoma is the tumor of the pigmented cells and behave differently depending upon which part of the dog’s body is affected. The squamous cell carcinoma usually develops inside the mouths of the dogs. The survival rate of the dog is strongly associated with the location of the tumor.

There are other types of dog tumors such as hemangiosarcoma, mast cell tumor, mammary carcinoma and apocrine gland carcinoma that are also quite commonly seen in the dogs that you should look out for. Visit Here: Angel Care Cancer Center

Glimpse In To Different Types of Dog Tumors

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As a pet owner, you should know the different types of Dog Tumors. In that way, you can check out the signs and symptoms and find out if the tumor is of the malignant type. Early detection of cancerous tumors is important. What separates the cancerous tumors from the benign ones is their ability to divide and subdivide. Secondly, the so-called benign ones may disappear, by themselves, but the same rule doesn’t apply to the non-benign malignant tumors. You may need to use the surgical intervention to have those tumors removed.


The most common type

There are malignant Dog Tumors of different kinds. Lymphoma happens to be the most common type of malignant tumor. It is worth noting that more than fifteen to twenty percent of dog malignancy finds their origin in lymphoma. The tumor of this particular type can develop in a wide variety of locations. The signs and symptoms are mainly dependent on the situational presence of lymphoma. If you have Golden Retrievers, then you should be particularly cautious about the development of this particular category of tumor. That’s because the breed has a genetic component to developing lymphoma.

Associated signs and symptoms

Enlargement of the externally located lymph nodes is the most common sign of lymphoma. The nodes are enlarged on account of the presence of the peripheral lymphoma. Up here, the tumor affects the externally located lymph nodes. It is common, on the part of owners to confuse Dog Tumors for swollen glands. But since you have decided to refer the issue to the veterinarian, you will have precious little to worry. The vet will check for the existence of subsidiary symptoms such as the decrease in appetite, signs of lethargy and an overall decrease in the body weight.

Symptoms related to internal lymphoma

While the peripheral lymphoma affects the externally placed lymph nodes, the internal lymphoma affects the internally located lymph nodes. The lymphoid material including the spleen and liver may be affected by internal lymphoma. But if you notice any of the following symptoms in your dog, then you do have good reasons to be suspicious of internal lymphoma. Before reporting the problem to the vet, you should watch out for symptoms that include breathing difficulty, incessant vomiting, abdominal discomfort, and diarrhea. If you are not serious about reporting these conditions to a qualified vet, then things may take a fatal turn.

Treatment of the disease

Treating internal lymphoma with prisoner is possible. More often than not, you also have vets resorting to chemotherapy. In the course of the chemotherapy, multiple drugs are used. You will be happy to note that most dogs who suffer from internal lymphoma respond fast to multiple drug therapy. Even the application of prisoner proves to be useful. So, you can think of remitting the symptomatic outcomes of internal lymphoma, helping the dog to lead a quality life, in due course of the time. Hematological also includes the bracket of malignant Dog Tumors. It takes time for the tumor of this type to grow and develop. Generically speaking, the external symptoms are found missing, but in the due course of time, tumor of this type affects and upsets the physiological system of the dog. Sudden internal bleeding may take place, on account of the gradual development and rupture of hematological. For more information visit here: Angel Care Cancer Center

Do Environmental Factors Lead To Canine Tumors?

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For the dog lovers the canine tumours appear to eventually become a tendency today. The reasons for this are various but it mainly revolves around the substances which are being inserted in the food that they are being fed by us with. However, if this really is the scenario you have to ensure that you just respond as quickly as possible. This would provide your pet the highest chances of enduring through this amazingly harmful and potentially fatal ailment. Mast cell canine tumors are just one of the most frequent kinds of cancerous formations that have a tendency to happen among our dog pets. Again, the foods tainted with substances that are distinct appear to be the primary cause of this particular cancer kind and the ominous thing is that they receive a great crowd through the enormous televised marketing campaigns.


Now, it’s important to know that this form of canine tumor is likely to be met in lots of different names such as mast cell sarcoma in addition to a mastectomy. Also, there’s a terrific bit of news that might give you the comfort you need. We now have the equipment and also the options to canine tumors and contemporary veterinarians are going to be able to put as much as 80% of the dogs dealing with a cancer of this sort in remission. This is a really high percentage.

The success of the treatment plan nonetheless, will depend on the stage of the cancer. The majority of the skin tumors are actually not really incurable as well as the fact is that after they’re taken care of they’re not likely to ever appear again. This really is incredibly affirmative and provides a ray of hope and happiness to dog lovers. So, when you find the tumour, reveal it to the vet, do not discount it.

Also you can rely on other methods such as surgical interventions. This of course should only be used if the tumor is truly not harmless. The truth is the fact that if your dog has a benign tumor you may as well leave it be and not have it removed. It generally means that something is going not the way it is supposed to if it is getting bigger and it is exceedingly recommended that you simply seek veterinarian attention right away. Of course there are other conventional way of getting the tumor of your dog taken care of to be able to help you to contemplate all of your alternatives and you need to consult a specialist. For more information visit Our Website

Do Environmental Factors Lead To Canine Tumors?

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For the dog lovers the canine tumors seem to become a tendency nowadays. The reasons for this are various but it mostly revolves around the chemicals which are being inserted in the food that we are feeding them with. However, if this is the situation you have to make sure that you react as fast as possible. This would give your pet the highest chances of surviving through this incredibly harmful and potentially deadly disease. Mast cell canine tumors are one of the most common types of cancerous formations that tend to occur among our dog pets. Again, the foods tainted with different chemicals seem to be the main cause of this particular cancer type and the unfortunate thing is that they receive a great audience through the massive televised marketing campaigns.


Now, it’s important to know that this form of canine tumor is likely to be met in a lot of different names such as mast cell sarcoma as well as a mastectomy. Regardless of this fact, the thing is that they are all the same and the treatment is equal. Also, there is a great piece of news that might provide you with the comfort you need. The fact is that we are living on the verge of a technological revolution and this definitely has its impact on veterinarian medicine. We now have the equipment and the solutions to canine tumors and modern veterinarians are going to be able to put as much as 80% of the dogs suffering from a cancer of this type in remission. This is an incredibly high percent.

The success of the treatment plan however, is going to depend on the stage of the cancer. Most of the skin tumors are actually really curable and the fact is that once they are taken care of they are unlikely to ever appear again. This is incredibly optimistic and provides dog lovers with a ray of hope and happiness. Thus, as soon as you notice the tumor, show it to the vet, don’t ignore it.

Also you can rely on other methods such as surgical interventions. This of course should only be applied if the tumor is actually malignant. The truth is that if your dog has a benign tumor you might as well leave it be and not have it surgically removed. However, you should make sure to keep a close look on it periodically in order to determine that it is not actually growing. If it’s getting bigger it generally means that something is going not the way it’s supposed to and it is highly advisable that you seek veterinarian attention right away. Of course there are other conventional means of getting the tumor of your dog taken care of and you should consult a specialist in order to be able to consider all of your options. For more information visit Our Website

Everything You Should Know About Dog Cancer

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Animal cancer, especially dog cancer, is a very common disease which we are increasingly coming to hear of these days. According to experts, 50% of dogs develop cancer at the age of 10 years or above, but it is curable if detected in its early stages.

Animal Cancer CA

Dogs are among the most loved animals by human beings, so they always remain conscious about their health. These days, people take very good care of their dogs or pets. In spite of this, after the age of 10 years, cancer cells develop in their bodies, for which the reason could be genetic.

On research,it has been observed that some breeds are far more prone to cancers than others. So, no matter how much you take care of your dog, the chances of cancer incidence in your pet remains high. Symptoms of dog cancer in are nothing different from that inhuman beings. Both have similar signs. These signs are:

  • Wound that never heals
  • Lump in the body
  • Bumped parts
  • Enlargement of lymph nodes
  • Abnormal bleeding
  • Swollen bone and lameness

The above-listed signs are classic symptoms of dog cancer, but sometimes you may not see any symptom or they may be so small that you may not even notice it, but whatever the situation, if ever your dog falls sick or shows abnormal behavior, you must rush your pet to your nearest veterinarian for checkup. Besides this, regular dog checkup is highly recommended to all owners.Bladder cancer occurs in breeds that have a tendency of facing higher risks. Symptoms might not be visible before a minimal of six months.

Prevention is better than Cure

Animal cancer can be of any type. It could be skin cancer, oral cancer, mammary cancer, etc., but if you take all precautions, then you can easily prevent cancer in your dogs to great extent. Some common things which you can do to prevent cancer in your dog are listed below:

You can splay your dog, which will reduce chances of mammary cancer. Spaying should be done before your dog goes into heat for the first time. The root cause of mammary disease is hormonal changes, and spaying can prevent it.Oral cancer can be prevented by taking good care of your dog’s mouth and teeth. It should be regularly cleaned and brushed to avoid germs.

You must keep your dog clean with products recommend by doctors to clean their body. This may help in skin care prevention.Besides doing all this, it would be better if you identified early signs of cancer and get treatment on time. This is because dog cancer or animal cancer does not have any specific reason by which it can be prevented, thus one has to be alert towards their dogs’ health to avoid this deadly disease. For more information visit Our Website

Different Treatments And Options For Dog Cancer

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Cancer is one of the dreaded diseases and just like finding a loved one suffering from cancer, hearing the news of your per afflicted with Dog Cancer can be equally depressing and devastating. Dogs are an important part of your family and you cannot bear the pain and suffering that your adorable pet will go through. Like humans, even animals can develop cancerous tumors. However, early diagnosis is the key to effective treatment. This in turn might play a great role in curing your loved companion of this nasty fatal illness.


Talking To Your Vet:

Dogs can have different types of cancers, and the nature of these cancers might vary. Therefore, it is best to discuss with your vet regarding the types of dog treatments available, and also the one that best suits your dog’s condition. Your vet will devise a unique treatment approach specifically tailored to the condition of your Dog Cancer. The treatment method will be tailored on the basis of the symptoms, temperament and even the progression of the disease. This in turn can reduce the suffering and pain to a great extent.

Opting For Surgery:

Surgery involves the complete removal of the tumor and it is an optimal treatment plan for cancer. However, at times, surgery can be difficult, especially in cases where the cancer has spread to different parts of the body. If your dog has bone cancer, the limb might have to be amputated for preventing the spread of cancer. However, prior to performing surgery, several factors are taken into consideration like the general health of the dog and the location of the cancer. It also considers the stage of cancer.

Drugs And Radiation:

Apart from surgery, other treatment options are also available. Today, there are several drugs along with radiation and chemotherapy treatments. This might again depend on the stage of the Animal Cancer. Based on the overall well being of your pet, your vet will be able to take the most appropriate decision. Therefore, you can thoroughly discuss with your vet, and following this, you can leave the entire matter on him to handle. He will certainly take the most appropriate decision for the betterment of your pet. Most vets are trained in such diseases or they will refer you to another vet that specializes in it.

Preventing Further Growth:

Medical science has advanced tremendously today. Therefore, some drugs are available today that can starve the cancer and prevent further growth of the tumors. If your vet thinks it right, he might consider this form of treatment for Animal Cancer. A combination of drug is often used to attack the multiple areas simultaneously. Moreover, it can even be given in smaller doses over longer periods of time. This implies that the dosage can be controlled, as per the needs and conditions of your dog. Thus, you can get some peace of mind. For more information visit Our Website